Sheryl Nome Cosplayers

It has been a while since I did a post for my wonder Cosplay Girls. It is thanks to Feedjit that I am doing this again. I found that most of my visitors seem to be drawn to these type of post - humm - wonder why!

Lets take a look at Macross and the sexy Sheryl Nome. I found that she is a popular character to do and must say that there were some great ones. I had to keep this limited, but had a hell of a time doing that with the number of them.

Lets take a look at the group of Cosplayers I picked this time around. I will start it off with a great Blogger and all around cool girl who actually did 3 versions of her ~ Frances Delgado aka Dancing Queen! Not only does she Cosplay, but she also collects figures, watches Anime, reads Manga, hits the convention scene with Indecent Otaku Comedy Hour and Blogs about everything you just read. I don't know how she finds the time as I just got tired writing about it.