I hate School...

Sorry for not blogging in a while…. Yeah I was doing stuff.
So first let me get my rants out of the way.
My school is the main thing of my ranting lately (actually it is most of the time). I don’t know if I have wrote about this because I try to have my blogs be about happy things that happen in my life. My school is just like mostly any other high school; annoying, never clean or working, and over all stupid. Not to mention my high school is overcrowded and I dislike beginning around many people that are not nerds. Now don’t get me wrong there are a few good teachers and also a few awesome nerds, but that in no way outweighs the bad things.
                On to the rant. So it all starts in orchestra (doesn’t always?). Ever since stupid Mr. Dengel came in to power of the high school orchestra things have become worse. But there is this one thing I hate that he started the trip to visit the elementary children. I hate small children in general (some nice ones but not many). Also the whole trip with the stupid teenagers in orchestra and the general conditions do not make it any better. Also he has us skip class, I hate missing stuff in class. Back to this morning. Mr. Dengel decided it would be a great idea to use the folding stands to get use to them when we use them for the trip. So the first stand I grabbed was broken, the second I got set up then left to get my interments and music, came back and someone had stolen it. So the third one I set up went to get my music which I couldn’t find. Dengel then precedes yells at me to sit down. God I want to bet him up and his little pet bees too (yes he has pet bees). Sorry for not blogging in a while…. Yeah I was doing stuff.
So first let me get my rants out of the way.
My school is the main thing of my ranting lately (actually it is most of the time). I don’t know if I have wrote about this because I try to have my blogs be about happy things that happen in my life. My school is just like mostly any other high school; annoying, never clean or working, and over all stupid. Not to mention my high school is overcrowded and I dislike beginning around many people that are not nerds. Now don’t get me wrong there are a few good teachers and also a few awesome nerds, but that in no way outweighs the bad things.
                On to the rant. So it all starts in orchestra (doesn’t always?). Ever since stupid Mr. Dengel came in to power of the high school orchestra things have become worse. But there is this one thing I hate that he started the trip to visit the elementary children. I hate small children in general (some nice ones but not many). Also the whole trip with the stupid teenagers in orchestra and the general conditions do not make it any better. Also he has us skip class, I hate missing stuff in class. Back to this morning. Mr. Dengel decided it would be a great idea to use the folding stands to get use to them when we use them for the trip. So the first stand I grabbed was broken, the second I got set up then left to get my interments and music, came back and someone had stolen it. So the third one I set up went to get my music which I couldn’t find. Dengel then precedes yells at me to sit down. God I want to bet him up and his little pet bees too (yes he has pet bees). After this I think I am going to skip the trip.
*note I do not hate playing in an orchestra or my viola (I love it) but my school orchestra is just plain annoying thanks to the teacher and the stupid annoying teenagers that over populate my school.
                Next is biology with the even more annoying teenagers. Today we had to dissect a rat T_T.  Yay I got sit with the awesome drawing Kelly, it makes it a little better. But the stupid children decided to take multiple rat intestines and tie them together to make a jump rope, took video of it and are now posting it on Facebook (lovely?).
Then lunch where the most stupid things seem to happen. Also kids pick on us (the nerd heard of awesome) for playing pokemon and duel monsters. I want Usei to go run over them with his motorcycle.
Also people just stopping in the hallways causing the arteries of the school to clog. Today I was walking down a hallway and a whole bunch of people where standing in front a list at the last period of the day. I proceeded to mow them all down as I did not want to miss the bus.
I am glad that next year I am going to eastland, where I will get to do art for two periods for the next two years and be in a school where people care about grades and there future. : )

My mom ordered my electric five string viola!!! And should be coming soon.
Anekora bought me a hat so this weekend we can make my trainer black hat.
The cosplay picnic is this weekend; still have to decide what Cosplay I am wearing. I hope to get trainer black done so I can wear that. If not maybe Austria?
Got pokemon black. Almost done with silver!
Monday was anime club picnic finale. I had fun and took awesome pictures in my kimono.

My Picture is this because it has happen to me and I love derp faces.

My Video is this one of a luka medley of some of her songs at a vocaloid concert. It’s just awesome!

Well bye for now
Rinweb out!

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